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Training on dishwashing and textile washing systems at the Kiehl factory in Germany

dishwashing and textile washing systems

Training on dishwashing and textile washing systems at the Kiehl factory in Germany

At the beginning of June, a workshop on dishwashing and textile washing systems was held at the Kiehl Group factory in Germany and was attended by the sales teams and product managers of Puhastuimport's HoReCa and maintenance branches. Puhastusimport has represented Kiehl cleaning agents on the Estonian and Latvian markets for more than ten years. Kiehl Group, the chemical industry with over a hundred years of experience is still owned by the Kiehl family and started in 1904 when Johannes Kiehl started the production of floor oils and waxes.

Kiehl tehas Kiehl ladu

All Kiehl products are manufactured in a factory located in southern Germany, and therefore, the Puhastusimport team had a unique opportunity to get to know Kiehl's development, quality control, and production processes, as well as the logistics systems. During the three-day in-depth training, the focus was on dishwashing and textile detergents and complete solutions, and Kiehl product specialists gave a comprehensive overview on:

  • both old and new cleaning chemicals
  • how to remove dirt that differs from the substances at hand
  • dosage
  • washing processes

In many areas – catering, as well as medicine – there are higher than average requirements for hygiene. The right detergents ensure the necessary level of cleanliness and help get rid of dangerous bacteria and viruses. In addition to cleaning agents, it is important to use proper washing cycles, processes, and temperatures to remove different types of dirt. If the wrong substances are used, there is a risk of ruining the dishes or textiles in the restaurant. The Sinner's Circle summarizes the basics of cleaning, and four factors are important in removing dirt:

  • time
  • mechanics
  • temperature
  • cleaning chemicals

Kiehl nõudepesu süsteemid

Washing dishes in restaurants and large kitchens requires the know-how of an expert!

Puhastusimport’s HoReCa team measures water hardness in order to help restaurants and large kitchens find suitable washing and rinsing agents for dishwashing and also to set up automatic dishwashing systems and agents dosage. A lot of different types of dirt are created in the kitchen, and dishes from delicate glass to large stainless steel pans and pots are used.

An expert familiar with the specifics of the HoReCa sector knows how to set up processes to quickly wash a large number of dishes and kitchen utensils, and also helps assemble a set of tools necessary for cleaning the premises. While a plate or glass is used and washed a few times a week at home, one plate can go through as many as ten washing cycles a day at a restaurant. In order for the dishes to be presentable and shiny even after the peak season, it is necessary to use the right dishwashing detergents and dishwashing processes.

Kiehl tekstiilide pesusüsteemid

Washing textiles under conditions with high load and high hygiene requirements

A wide variety of textiles is used on a daily basis – microfiber cloths made of artificial fibers, i.e. polyester, cotton bedding sets in hospitals and nursing homes, underwear made of wool blend fabric, and much more. All textiles need cleaning, and moreover, each material needs different washing conditions – temperature, mechanical handling, and cleaning agents. If textiles are used to provide services or in hospitals, they must be cleaned and disinfected frequently.

At the Kiehl workshop, we worked through different textiles and suitable cleaning agents, talked about processes and washing temperatures that can be used to disinfect fabrics, and discussed which rinse agents remove static electricity from textiles.

In laundry houses, hospitals, and nursing homes, which come in contact with a wide variety of bacteria and virus particles, it is important to plan ahead when it comes to activities taking place on the premises, e.g. sorting dirty laundry. Automatic dosing systems ensure that the correct amount of detergent is used, saving both time and money.

However, when it comes to cleaning mops and microfiber cloths, it is ideal to use special mop washing machines with their own dosing systems, giving you the chance to take pre-moistened tools from the machine before starting work. Professional machines’ short washing programs save time and increase the cost efficiency of the service.

Get in touch with our HoReCa and maintenance teams for personal offers:


Tarvo Tudelep
Sales Manager
Mersin Võrno
Area Sales Manager
Sander Sildver
Area Sales Manager
Lauri Vaino
Area Sales Manager
Mait Adoma
Area Sales Manager (Tartu office)
Kuldar Kellamäe
Area Sales Manager (Tartu office)
Taavi Strepaitis
Team manager of maintenance technicians

General cleaning

Sander Rannus
Sales Manager
Taavi Keerma
Area Sales Manager
Tauno Abel
Area Sales Manager
Katrin Miller
Area Sales Manager
Erle Kõnd
Area Sales Manager (Tartu)
Kristina Märss
Key Account Manager (Tartu)
Marilyn Kaer
B2B Sales Manager
Siim Saarik
B2B Sales Manager
Siim Sildnik
Product Manager
(Waste management)
Tõnis Ilves
Product Manager
(Cleaning detergents, hygiene products and products for laundries)
Pille Kasari
Product Specialist
(Cleaning detergents and tools)

Kiehl koolituklass Kiehl nõudepesusüsteemi tutvustus Kiehl nõudepesusüsteemi tutvustus Kiehlis HoReCa meeskond

June 10, 2022